Representing Numbers In Hardware
Madeleine Lee and Vicky Le
October 22nd, 2023
Have you ever wondered how your computer represents numbers? You've probably already heard of binary numbers - using a series of 0's and 1's to represent numerical values - but how do we use binary to represent values between 0 and 1 ("decimal" values)? There are two primary ways to do this. They are called "fixed point" and "floating point" representations.
Review of Binary Numbers
Before we get into these representations of numbers, let's do a quick review of what we call integer binary numbers. Binary numbers are a base 2 number system, so unlike our everyday base 10 system where we use digits 0-9, binary uses the digits 0-1 to represent numbers. Each of these digits is referred to as a bit, and when multiple bits are put together the right-most bit is called the "least significant bit" (LSB) representing 20 , while each bit left represents 2bit position. The left-most bit is called the "most significant bit" (MSB). Below is a diagram that can help visualize this system.

Relatively simple right? To convert to decimal, just multiply each digit by its corresponding power of two and add all of the digits together. However, this system as it stands, does not allow us to represent numbers between 0 and 1. So, enter fixed point representations!
Fixed Point Numbers
One way that we can begin to represent fractional values is by introducing negative powers of two. We can split our binary digits into two parts: a whole number part and a fractional part, with the whole number part representing positive powers of two, and the fractional part representing negative powers of two.

We use a "binary point" to denote the boundary between the two parts (not "decimal" point because that would indicate base 10!). We call this representation "fixed point" because the binary point is fixed. That is, it stays in the same position for all numbers within the representation. Thus, we cannot perform computations with one number whose binary point is between digits 15 and 16, and one whose point is between digits 5 and 6 without converting them to the same binary point. Additionally, we are limited in the range of numbers that we can represent with this representation. Although it increases precision by having a fractional part, the overall range of numbers we can represent is decreased since we decrease the number of bits with positive powers of two. One way to increase the range that we can represent is by using floating point numbers.
Floating Point Numbers
The concept of floating point is that the binary point is no longer fixed. It can "float" around to different locations within the binary number. This allows us to represent a larger range of numbers. However, this means that we have to have some way to communicate where the binary point is within the number.
To effectively organize all of the information needed for a floating point number, the total bit width of a number is broken into 3 parts: a sign bit, exponent bits, and mantissa bits. The MSB is the sign bit and is used to denote whether the number is negative (1) or positive (0). Following the sign bits are the exponent bits which are used to represent positive and negative exponents and a bias is added in order to get the stored exponent. A bias is added to these bits in order to make full use of the bits available such that each set of unique combinations represents a different number. Lastly are the mantissa bits which represent the significant digits within the floating point number.
We can think of floating point as a version of scientific notation, except instead of multiplying the coefficient (mantissa) by a power of 10, we multiply by a power of two.

Using the diagram of scientific notation above, the analog for floating point would be that the coefficient is the mantissa, the base is always two, and the exponent is the exponent.
Now that we know the basics of floating point numbers, let's look at an example based on IEEE 754 standard for single precision numbers.

From this it can be seen that floating point can represent multiple numbers, but due to this flexibility there are special cases in floating point such as what to do when a number does not terminate or when there are undefined results. For these situations we have special numbers such as zero, infinity, and not a number (NaN).
Floating Point in Hardware
This semester we are working on creating a floating point library that consists of floating point arithmetic units such as a multiplier, divider, subtractor and adder to the C2S2 IP (intellectual property). This will enable the team to hopefully be able to work with more precise numbers as well as a larger range of numbers. We also hope to have parameterizable bit widths for total size of input, number of exponent bits, and number of mantissa bits. By adding this element of resizeable bit fields, different ranges of numbers and different precisions can be chosen depending on the application of the arithmetic units. Although it will be a challenging journey to accomplish this, we hope that this project will be helpful to the team in the future by enabling us to have more options and we hope you learned more about different representations of numbers in binary!