Progress Report - March 2023
Dylan Tom and Edmund Lam
March 19th, 2023
Hi! I'm Edmund, a member of the Digital Subteam, and a sophomore studying CS and Math. I created the fixed point multiplier, complex multiplier, and butterfly modules for the FFT. I joined the subteam as someone with no ECE whatsoever, other than some prior knowledge and interest in assembly. Today I will be going over how the code I wrote has changed as I have learned more about Verilog and RTL design, and how the blocks I designed have changed over time.
Because I taught myself Verilog and the ASIC flow through working in C2S2, my initial work was heavily influenced by my experience in computer science, as I treated Verilog very similarly to normal programming languages. For example, in the figure shown below, I initially built the fixed point iterative multiplier using a very linear approach, where the fpmulit_inner module pretty much represented the inside of a for loop which would update the multiplier state each iteration. The control logic was all non-resettable and not fully enumerated, leading not only to inferred latches further down the line, but also making the logic hard to understand, resulting in an incorrect Val/Rdy interface. Much of this was because I was not used to thinking of control flow in terms of connecting actual blocks such as muxes and registers, which also resulted in most of my blocks being non-fully-resettable, a problem which was bound to show itself in four state simulation.

Early Functioning Iteration of the Fixed Point Iterative Multiplier
This semester, after running into many of the issues I had described above, I decided to completely rewrite many of my older blocks, using a Finite State Machine for the control logic, and connecting the datapath properly to resettable registers and muxes. This makes the reset logic clear and simple, solves the inferred latches issues, and also makes sure the Val/Rdy logic is explicit and correct. However, it requires a very different approach to programming than before, as rather than viewing it as I would approach a computer program, I was looking at it much more like an actual circuit layout with all the blocks doing different operations.

New Iteration of the Fixed Point Iterative Multiplier
Both iterations have similar characterization statistics (area, power, timing) but the advantage of having a well-designed module is that understanding the code and making revisions or debugging becomes much easier. I did the same changes to the complex multiplier and butterfly blocks I have made, which I have also further optimized to save area for the FFT.
My name is Dylan and I am a sophomore in CS and Math as well! I joined C2S2 as a member of the digital design team in Spring 2023. As a new member to the team, I want to take this opportunity to explain the onboarding process for C2S2 and what I have been doing so far. Previously I took ECE 2300: Digital Logic and Computer Organization, so I was familiar with the RTL blocks and implementing simple logic in Verilog. However, a major component of digital ASIC design is being able to push our designs through a flow that can be simulated as if it were going to be on a chip.
My first few weeks on C2S2 were filled with a lot of onboarding, long installations, and very niche bugs. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to apply what I learned in class to a project not many undergraduates are able to work on outside of Cornell. Initially, I was focused on completing various onboarding tutorials to familiarize myself with SystemVerilog, PyMTL testing, and hardening a design using OpenLANE.

C2S2 Tutorial - Implementing a Simple Register Counter
A lot of open source tools are rapidly evolving and I experienced this while trying to run the OpenLANE flow. We were using a tutorial written in December 2022, just a few months ago! It wasn't wrong, but a lot of the permissions did not allow us to work with the necessary files. We contacted Aidan to help us resolve this issue by making sure that we are not overwriting the global installation of OpenLANE. Thankfully, this was a quick issue to resolve but it becomes apparent how complex and dynamic open source tools are.
I am currently working with Christopher on high level synthesis, with the goal of automating our flows. The existing architecture requires us to change directories and manually adjust files, which will become a lot more complicated as we scale up. Our solution is to abstract the RTL design process using XLS, Google's open source HLS toolkit and Bazel, a tool to build our projects. I am really excited to see what I can accomplish this semester with this project. In other news, we are going to a research facility to see how chips are manufactured. I'm excited I get this opportunity from joining C2S2 as it allows us to achieve and experience open source chip designs as undergraduates.